I'm been thinking a lot (and bumping into) those "one-issue" voters, who justify voting for Trump because they believe he will aid in outlawing abortion. On the left, we tend to paint these folks as monsters whose concern for human life ends as soon as a baby is born. I've certainly leveled that accusation myself. But do we know that for sure? While there may be a percentage who only want to overturn Roe v Wade out of moral self-righteousness, or because they believe the stories THEY are hearing about the left (we eat babies, and will not rest until every fetus is murdered...). I made this sketchnote with a type of person in mind: someone whose heart breaks at the thought of sweet, cuddly babies being destroyed but maybe hasn't thought through the limitations of merely making abortion illegal. Someone who might want to help children and families but hasn't made the connection between those needs and the abortions that trouble them. So here it is, and it prom...